Frequently Asked Questions

What is a fire risk assessment?

A fire risk assessment is a review undertaken of a building to assess its fire risk and offer recommendations to make the building safer, if required.

It should identify the fire hazards and identify people at risk. An action plan is prepared, based on the hazards identified.

A fire risk assessment should help you identify all the fire hazards and risks in your premises.

You will then be able to decide whether the risks identified are acceptable or whether you need to take steps to reduce or control them.

What is reviewed as part of a fire risk assessment?

Although every fire risk assessment is unique. The following fire prevention and fire risk factors are checked by the assessor as part of your assessment:

  • The building’s construction, layout, and use
  • The nature and number of occupants, including any potentially vulnerable occupants
  • Electrical equipment on the site that could be a potential source of ignition
  • Installed and portable heating devices that can trigger fires
  • Whether the building has a history of any fire loss
  • Defence against arson
  • Smoking areas, as well as prevention measures that have been taken to prevent fires caused by smoking
  • Protection against fires that are caused by lightning
  • Any fire hazards that have been introduced by outside contractors or building works
  • General housekeeping and key areas being kept clear of combustible materials
  • The configuration and maintenance of escape routes
  • Storage arrangements for any flammable and/or dangerous liquids
  • Emergency lighting has been properly installed and is in good working order
  • Measures are in place for limiting fire spread
  • Adequate means are in place to raise the alarm in the event of a fire
  • Fire safety signs are in the proper locations and used correctly
  • Other devices, like sprinklers, are properly installed and maintained
  • The appropriate fire extinguishers are in the correct locations
  • Whether evacuation drills and fire safety training is done on a regular basis
  • Who manages the building’s fire safety and how well it is done
  • Maintenance of proper records and documentation regarding fire safety measures
  • Correct testing procedures and maintenance are in place for fire safety systems

What must I do?

You will need to comply with fire safety law if you own, manage, or operate a building or business. If you want to do more research on this, the main law in relation to Fire Safety is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, (LINK) more commonly known as the RRO. The RRO applies to virtually all non-domestic buildings, and it is your responsibility to make sure the workplace meets the required standards.

If you read Article 9 of the RRO, it states that suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessments must be carried out by a competent person. As the responsible person you must carry out and regularly review a fire risk assessment of the premises. This will identify what you need to do to prevent fire and keep people safe.

Who is responsible?

If you’re an owner, landlord or occupier of business or other non-domestic premises, you’ll be responsible for fire safety. You are therefore designated as the ‘responsible person’.

Are Inspectas’ fire risk assessments compliant?

Yes. All of our reports are fully compliant with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. We have an in-house quality control procedure whereby the report is thoroughly checked before being sent to clients.

Are Inspectas a member of any associations?

Yes, we are a member of the Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM)

What are the 5 stages of fire safety risk assessment?

  • Identify the fire hazards
  • Identify people at risk
  • Evaluate, remove, or reduce the risks
  • Record your findings, prepare an emergency plan, and provide training
  • Review and update the fire risk assessment regularly

How much does it cost?

The fees for our Fire Risk Assessments – including an action plan – will depend on the size and location of your building. Following on from our assessments, we provide an after-care service to clients that offers ongoing fire safety advice.

How often should I review my Fire Risk Assessment?

Fire Risk Assessments should become subject to a regular review. Therefore, at Inspectas Fire Safety Services we recommend that all fire risk assessments are reviewed annually, and this has now become best practice within the industry.

You should also review your assessment following any significant changes to the property. These significant changes are mostly associated in relation to layout, staff, occupancy, activities and legislation etc. Most of our clients’ properties are assessed once a year.

As part of our fire risk assessment, Inspectas Fire Safety Services may recommend that other surveys such as a fire door survey or a fire stopping survey are carried out.  Inspectas Fire Safety Services can provide these services so that you can tick off all your fire safety service boxes under the same roof.

How quickly can the fire risk assessment be undertaken?

At Inspectas Fire Safety Services, we can normally be onsite within 48 hours and have the report including an action plan to you within 5 working days of the assessment date.

How do I pay for this service?

Normally, following completion of survey undertaken, an invoice will be issued on a pre-agreed payment term basis. Sometimes, a pro-forma invoice will be issued for payment prior to works.

Got questions about your Fire Safety Compliance?

Call today on 0800 054 6658 or email


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