When it comes to fire safety, the nature of the work within the healthcare sector poses a particular set of challenges. The potential vulnerability of users of healthcare facilities – allied to the vital work of that sector’s employees – demand an additional level of consideration and calls for careful and detailed planning.
Whether the facility is a surgery or a clinic, hospital or care home – and regardless of if it’s run by the local authority or is privately owned, the need to minimise risk and disruption to normal services remains very much the same.
We work with both private healthcare providers as well as NHS bodies throughout the UK to protect their people, patients and premises from the risk of fire. Our services have been specially developed in line with the sensitivities of the healthcare environment.
We also deliver awareness training for teams and individuals responsible for these facilities, providing consultation services and project management expertise as required. We often work with healthcare clients at the planning stage of building projects to ensure any potential fire risks are correctly considered and managed.
Last – but absolutely not least – we acutely understand the budgetary pressures on our public healthcare sector clients, and we strive to demonstrate value for money for our NHS partners.